Re: so...

Harry Mantakos (
Wed, 16 Mar 1994 02:02:53 -0500

>So, does anyone know anything about this new Sendmail bug other than
>that it exists?

If you want to know more about it, grab the sendmail-8.6.7 
patch from There are only 2 lines of 
code changed. The RELEASE_NOTES describes the change as:

+       SECURITY: it was possible to get root access by using wierd
+               values to the -d flag.  Thanks to Alain Durand of
+               INRIA for forwarding me the notice from the bugtraq
+               list.

Presumably this can only be exploited on the local machine to allow
a non-root user to become root.
Spoken: Harry Mantakos   Domain:      UUCP: uunet!mimsy!harry
Phone: 301-405-2750      USPS: U of Maryland, CS Dept., College Park, MD 20742